Panel discussion: Germany as an innovation powerhouse – political framework, funding opportunities and support structures for successful start-ups (English)
Wednesday, August 25
10:00-11:00 am EDT
Webcast – no prior registration required
TU9 invites representatives from science, industry, politics and funding organizations to discuss the general framework for innovation “Made in Germany” and the various aspects of Germany as a location for innovation. The panelists will present how political framework conditions, financial support opportunities and excellent research environments and networks create opportunities for innovation. The panel discussion will focus on the political and economic framework conditions and opportunities for scientists interested in starting a business in Germany.
As drivers of innovative technologies, through the development of digital solutions and the systematic transfer into application, TU9 Universities are a core element of Germany as an innovation powerhouse.
- Moderator: Prof. Dr. Malte Brettel, Prorektor für Wirtschaft und Industrie der RWTH Aachen
- Dr. Frank Bösenberg, Vorstandsmitglied & Leiter Silicon Saxony e. V.; Geschäftsführer Silicon Saxony Management GmbH Co-Founder LEVEL 44 GmbH
- Dr. Rainer Waldschmidt, Geschäftsführer HA Hessen Agentur GmbH und Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH Sprecher der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaften der Bundesländer (AG WFB) Vorstand des nationalen Gründerwettbewerbs Science4Life
- Barbara Diehl, SPRIN-D – Agentur für Sprunginnovationen
- Dr. Anna Christmann, Mitglied des Bundestages, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Fraktion