DKFZ – German Cancer Research Center
The German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) is Germany’s largest biomedical research institute and is located in Heidelberg, Germany. It is dedicated to research into the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. The DKFZ conducts both basic and translational research and collaborates with many national and international research institutions, universities, and hospitals to advance cancer research and develop new therapies. More than 3,000 employees from over 80 countries work in interdisciplinary teams to tackle the complex challenges of cancer research. The DKFZ’s ultimate goal is to contribute to the prevention and cure of cancer and to improve the lives of cancer patients. The DKFZ offers young scientists a wide range of opportunities to pursue a career in cancer research. From PhD programs and postdoctoral fellowships to junior research groups and career development, the DKFZ is committed to supporting the next generation of cancer researchers.
Stand number: 68