Career Options at Federal Research Institutes
Federal research institutes offer practical, problem-oriented and interdisciplinary research at the interface of politics, industry and society. Due to their unique tasks, they offer very diverse career opportunities. Interesting topics and an excellent infrastructure offer attractive working conditions. The personal development of each individual and the compatibility of career and family are of particular concern to us. In this session, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) will give you a practical overview of available career paths. Representatives from the upper management and a junior research group leader from the institutes will share their own experience. The participants are invited to ask questions about career options to the representatives of the institutes.
Language: English
- Dr. Anne Timm, BAM, Promotion of Young Scientists
- Dr. Claudia Eggert, BAM, Member of the Presidential Board for Research Coordination, International Cooperation, and Promotion of Young Scientists
- Dr. Karin Schlesier, BfR, Head of Research Strategy and Coordination,
- Dr. Denise Bloch, BfR, Head of the Junior Research Group (MATRIX) of the Department Pesticides Safety
Room: Arlington