UAS professors also conduct research – and they do so effectively and practically; Auch HAW-Profs forschen – und zwar wirksam und praxisnah

As a UAS-professor, you generally have a teaching load of 18 SWS. Consequently, the question arises whether there is time for your own research. The answer is: yes! With teaching load reductions and research funding, application-oriented and practical research can be carried out in regional innovation ecosystems. Close cooperations with companies enable direct transfer of the results to economy and society meaning a direct impact of your research. The Wissenschaftsrat (2023) describes UAS as “important players in the science and innovation system” and calls for a basic research funding and improved access to research funding for UAS. This workshop of HAW BW e.V., HAfM & UAS7 will shed light on the research conditions at UAS and will present various funding opportunities (BMBF, DFG, DATI). Living testimonials will report on their experiences and current developments (right to award doctorates, funding) for further improvement of research options at UAS will be discussed in plenary.

  • Prof. Dr. Sigrid Leitner, Professorin an der Technischen Hochschule Köln
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Mommert, Professor an der Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Prange, Professor an der Hochschule Niederrhein


  • Prof. Dr. Stephan Trahasch, Rektor der Hochschule Offenburg
  • Dr. Muriel Helbig, Präsidentin der Technischen Hochschule Lübeck und Vizepräsidentin des DAAD

Room: Foothill G1