Freie Universität Berlin:

Freie Universität Berlin – founded in 1948 – is a full university with 15 departments and central institutes offering 170 degree programs across a wide range of subjects. FU Berlin currently has roundabout 33.500 students and 4.000 PhD students. Each year, about 600 international scholars and scientists contribute to the variety of teaching and research activities pursued at Freie Universität. FU Berlin is one of the few German universities that were successful in all three funding lines of the German federal and state Excellence Initiative, thereby receiving additional funding for its institutional future development strategy. In the recent Excellence Strategy research competition run by the German federal and state governments, FU Berlin won four Clusters of Excellence. Since 2019 FU Berlin is a partner of the Berlin University Alliance, which brings together 4 Berlin Higher Education Institutions in order to consolidate their strengths and open up opportunities for new innovation.

Stand number: 35