Kooperationsstelle EU der Wissenschaftsorganisationen – KoWi:

The “Kooperationsstelle EU der Wissenschaftsorganisationen” (The EU Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations) (KoWi) is the joint service platform of the major German science organisations which are members of KoWi’s supporting association “Verein zur Förderung der europäischen und internationalen wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit e.V. (Association for the Promotion of European and International Cooperation in Science e.V.)”. KoWi is financed by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG). KoWi offers information, advice and training on EU research funding, in particular on the funding opportunities of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – Horizon Europe, for researchers, EU liaison officers and administrators at universities and research organisations.

Stand number: 65
