Universität Bonn:

Bonn is Germany’s Preeminent University of Excellence
We are the only German university in the Excellence Contest by the federal government and German states to receive funding for six Clusters of Excellence. This makes us the most successful University of Excellence in their Excellence Strategy.
The Future Concept outlined by the University of Bonn was effective in convincing the evaluating judges to select the institution as one of eleven Universities (and university alliances) of Excellence. At the heart of this Future Concept lies a set of fundamental objectives: promoting transdisciplinary research, through the formation of Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs); “We invest in people” – creating high-profile professorships to attract scholars of excellence across the range of qualification levels; “We foster networks” – forming and strenghening research alliances ; and “We create impact” by furthering knowledge transfer and communication within the research community.

Stand number: 46
